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What Should I Do if I Find a Baby Deer

White-tailed Deer fawns are born April through July, with the majority of fawns built-in in June. Near first-twelvemonth does will take one fawn each year, only twins or triplets are typically seen thereafter.

Until they are strong plenty to keep up with their mothers, deer fawns are left alone while their mothers go off to feed. Female parent deer will stay away from the fawns to avoid leading predators to their young. Does return at dawn and sunset to feed and/or move their young.

Fawns are typically left in an surface area with tall grass or bushes, but sometimes they are left in more open areas, including backyards. Older deer fawn may wander short distances.

Well-meaning humans oft assume that because a fawn is alone it must be an orphan, leading to numerous fawn "kidnappings" each year.

A fawn has the All-time chance of survival when cared for by its female parent. Typically, the all-time option is to leave the fawn lone!

If you observe a deer fawn that you retrieve needs help, use the following chart to guide your pick of intervention.

If you find a baby deer:

Do any of the following utilise to the fawn?

• Information technology is bleeding, has an open wound, or has a cleaved bone.
• Information technology's covered in fly eggs [wait similar small grains of rice].
• Information technology's cold or wet.
• It's crying nonstop for hours on end.
• Information technology appears weak AND is lying on its side.

          • If Yes, the deer is likely injured or orphaned. Contact your nearest permitted wild fauna rehabilitator or veterinarian for treatment.

          • If NO, then continue on to the next question.

Is the fawn in a unsafe location (east.1000., by a decorated road, in a backyard with dogs, etc.)

          • If YES, the fawn can be moved a short distance to a safer location.

When moving a fawn, information technology'south not unusual for the fawn to follow you equally y'all leave. To prevent the fawn from following you, identify the fawn facing away from the direction in which you plan to leave so it cannot scout you.

Tap the fawn once or twice firmly between the shoulder blades (this mimics how the mother taps the fawn with her nose to communicate "stay here and expect until I come dorsum.")

Rapidly leave the expanse. Do not linger. The fawn may stand up and have a few steps to follow. Keep going and the fawn should lie back down. If possible, you can monitor from distant with binoculars.

          • If NO, so the fawn is good for you and merely waiting for mom to return.

Get out the fawn lone! Keep children and pets abroad. Monitor from a altitude and reassess the situation in 24 hours.

Remember …

  • Never chase a fawn to capture it. The stress of existence chased tin be dangerous to a fawn. Fawns are prone to a condition chosen capture myopathy, which is acquired past chase and stress. Capture myopathy can atomic number 82 to damage to internal organs, and even decease.
  • Never give food or water to injured or orphaned wildlife. Inappropriate nutrient or feeding technique can atomic number 82 to sickness or death. Fawns in item have very sensitive stomachs and require a special nutrition. Moo-cow'southward milk will make them sick.

Sadly, due to the spread of Chronic Wasting Illness (CWD) in Virginia, there are geographical limitations on fawn rehabilitation. As of May 2021, the CWD "Disease Management Areas" in Virginia take been expanded to:Clarke, Frederick, Shenandoah, Warren, Culpeper, Fauquier, Loudoun, Madison, Orangish, Page, Rappahannock, Floyd, Montgomery, and Pulaski Counties. Rehabilitation of fawns in these counties is not permitted, nor is the removal of fawns or other deer from this expanse.  It'due south particularly important to make every endeavour possible to leave healthy fawns where they are to take every chance possible to reunite with their mothers. If you observe a truly orphaned or injured fawn, telephone call the DGIF helpline at one-855-571-9003.

Each animal'south nutritional, housing, and handling requirements are very specific and must be met if they have whatsoever chance of survival. Raising a wild animate being in captivity is illegal unless you have a country permit. For information on how you lot can become a permitted wildlife rehabilitator, contact the Wildlife Centre of Virginia, the Virginia Section of Game and Inland Fisheries [PDF], or your state'south wildlife agency.

What Should I Do if I Find a Baby Deer
